ROSATOM Launches Product for Complex Digitalization of Energy Industry and Heat Supply Enterprises

The company Rusatom Smart Utilities (is part of the State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM) has launched a digital product for the energy industry and housing and utilities sector– Digital Heat Supply onto the market. It allows to improve the indices of quality and reliability of heat supplies to houses essentially. The solution improves efficiency of energy facilities operation, reduces costs of production processes, number of idle time situations and emergencies. The first projects of the system implementation are currently performed in Glazov (the Republic of Udmurtia), Lipetsk and Voronezh.

The software and hardware complex Digital Heat Supply is a completely import-independent solution, which is aimed to enhance efficiency of production activities of the enterprises operating in the heat energy and heat supply sphere. The result is achieved through automation of separate business processes and performance of analysis of production and process indices. The solution may be implemented both as a full complex and as a module – for automation of separate business processes of an enterprise: sales, repairs, transport, occupational safety, etc.

The structure of the complex Digital Heat Supply includes software modules of three types of functions. The first functions help to automate and improve efficiency of business processes of a resource supply entity (RSE) itself.

The second functions help to improve resource consumption efficiency at consumers’ places directly, including in schools, kindergartens, hospitals and other institutions. Subscribers acquire a possibility to manage heat consumption efficiently, save resources, improve quality of heating and hot water supply services, comply with process constraints related with provision of the heating service. Some planned effects: decrease of heat consumption – by 40%, decrease of time of an emergency identification – by 90%, instant response to overheating.

The third group of modules of Digital Heat Supply provides authorities with the possibility to receive information on the work of RSE enterprises in the territory they are responsible for. BI-system with dashboards will allow people-in-charge to see critical incidents, if any; when they will be eliminated; degree of quality of preparation for the autumn and winter period; population’s complaints, if any.

Today a part of the modules have already been operating. They are the Central Panel, Mode Analysis, Fuel and Energy Balance, Applications, Controlling Trackwalkers, Operation Support. The development of the module Consumer will be finished by the end of the year. The remaining modules will be developed before the end of the year 2023. The variety of versions is stipulated for the existing modules, which is intended for development of intelligent functions.

During the implementation of the project, the team of designers and engineers uses digital twins of the engineering infrastructure and generation facilities which are elaborated for each project individually. In particular, models of boiler units, each turbine, process links of equipment are created, and this allows to calculate optimality of equipment operation, efficiency, perform optimization of load for a specific purpose – for example, achievement of the maximum efficiency or the highest possible marginality. Besides, the technologies of artificial intelligence and predictive analytics are a well established practice. For example, artificial intelligence allows to identify specific sites, where a network breakdown may have taken place, and there is no need to inspect the whole system, all networks. This technology was tested at the operating product of Rusatom Smart Utilities – Digital Water Utilities, and the results proved efficiency of the solution.

For reference:

The analysts of Rusatom Smart Utilities, within the framework of designing the product Digital Heat Supply and its preparation for launch onto the market, held a comprehensive research of the digital solutions market for the enterprises of the energy industry and heat supply sector. There are nearby 4.7 thous. heat generation and heat supply enterprises in the Russian Federation. Their total revenue in 2021 was nearby 2 tn rubles and total IT costs – 19.7 bn rubles, i.e. less than one percent. It is digital solutions that help improve efficiency, reduce losses and liquidate unnecessary expenses. That is why we expect a step-by-step growth of such enterprises’ attention to digital products, and we believe that all of them are our potential customers. According to the evaluations of RIS’s specialists, the potential amount of the software solutions market is nearby 76 bn rubles.

During the research, the Rusatom Smart Utilities’s analysts counted over 200 software solutions which were designed specifically for the heat supply market. However the majority of them are field-specific, for automation of processes only. Direct analogues of the product Digital Heat Supply are 28 solutions from different designers. Actually, all the solutions to a greater or lesser degree are narrowly focused on specific modules. For example, none of the 28 solutions has more than four modules that are similar to the functional of the software Digital Heat Supply.